Tournament training over the past few weeks has been awesome and great fun. Everyone, students and Black belts, have noticeably improved their Tournament skills.

The training sessions cover the many facets of ITF Tournaments including Sparring, Power Breaking, Special Technique and Patterns. And Black belts get to practice their Refereeing skills.

Please note: We are in the enviable position of having several ITF World Champions, right here in Townsville, passing on their considerable knowledge and experience. This is an opportunity to learn from the best, to “open the door” to successfully compete locally, nationally and internationally! Who knows who will be our next Aussie World Champion???!!!

For those yet to attend, we have only 3 more weeks to go until the NQ Games. Please check with your instructors for session days and times.

For red belts and above, an Umpire course will be run on Saturday 5th April if enough interest is confirmed. Please contact Sabum Nigel or Sabum Andy as soon as possible with expressions of interest.  Cost is $135.00 Full Umpire Course (if never done before) and $20 for refresher course (if umpire course previously completed).

Below are some photos from the last Townsville tournament in 2012 and from last year’s Sunshine Coast tournament and the London World Championships.